Friday, August 29, 2008

Submit Your Questions Here

Hi Everyone,

I receive emails everyday from all over the world. I never thought I would be saying this, but it's true. I can't believe that I can reach out and communicate with people in Australia, Brazil,United Kingdom...just to name a few. It's really AWESOME!

Since I released a few Free videos about getting started in a Photography Business, people have been watching them and wanting more. There's always going to be questions. I've been doing my best to get back to everyone, but it's getting to the point where there just isn't enough time in the day.

I will try and answer your questions here or in future videos.

The Benefits of having questions public, is that everyone can listen in on the conversation. Everyone can learn from each other this way. This is very powerful for people just getting started.

So, let's use this space to ask the questions or post your comments. I'll do my best to answer your questions and keep it real simple.

NOTE: Go to the bottom of this page and use the "Post Comment" link to leave your question or comment.

Talk to ya soon!


After I did my first Podcast I kinda laughed at myself. I sounded like a DJ in the beginning when I say "New Photo Biz Buzz" You gotta listen to it.


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Jessi said...


Where do you have your studio? What kind of space do you use? Is it in your home? Out of the home?

We've been doing special outdoor sittings which has been very popular. As we move into the colder seasons, I am wondering where we can shoot. We were planning on working int he garage, but only have access through a car garage door or through the house. both pose issues with appearance.

Anonymous said...

I need your help
As far as a podcast of course you should!
Most folks don't like reading me included I lose
Interest way to fast when I read,
I really only look for videos and podcast, I don't get board as fast.
Any way I need your help
I want a video, about camera settings not the regular kind of video
Yes I know there are F-stops and Aperture and proper exposures!
If someone tells me that again I will Scream and throw myself of a bridge!
No one seems to understand what I'm asking so I hope you will
See there is certain Exposure settings that photographers always use for certain reasons
What are they?
And why?
From there you can adjust.
And Yes I know, that it's up to your creativity
This is another statement that I'm sick of hearing!
It's just a copout people use when they are unwilling or unable to clearly explain something!
All I want is a verity of situations that shows creative photography recreated step by step and explanations to each step and settings
Certain Exposure settings that photographers always use for certain reasons

What are they?
And why?
That's it that's all
Can you help?

janny said...

Thanks so much for doing the podcasts, they're great. As a matter of fact, I was very surprised to see that your first podcast answered the question I just left last week! It seems that I have new questions every day since I am still in the planning stages of my photography business, so I will definitely be looking for all your podcasts and all the useful information you provide. Thanks so much for this service you provide to all of us.

Anonymous said...

How do you control the whites in a studio lighting setting? I take photos of dogs and I'm having difficulty not blowing out the white fur. Any tips you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

Anonymous said...

what is a range for an initial investment for a home studio to take professional pictures? Regarding lighting, backdrops, props, equipment, etc? is there any basic equipment that you absolutely need or are some things optional? Is a light meter necessary as well?


Anonymous said...

Hi Scott,
First of all I think the bloggs are a must, better than having to read everything so please keep them going.
also I have a question, which is the best way to go when setting up a small studio? strobe or continuous lights? I have heard a lot lately of Westscott Spiderlite with low heat output could you advise please?.
Many thanks
Phil Bayliss

Anonymous said...

How do I copyright a pic. Is there specific software that prevents printing from emails? Lastly, How are signitures put on prints? Is it the same as an additional layer, but just contains a signiture?

Joshua said...

Hi Scott,
First off, thanks for the podcasts and the videos. I'm very thankful for the information you are willing to share.
I am also interested in Amber's question asking what the range for the initial investment of a home studio. I have been researching a little, and I am interested to hear what someone who has done this has to say.

Thanks, and take care,

Anonymous said...

Hi Scott,

Love the podcasts. Keep it up. I have a very small space to work with. I am having trouble finding information to decide between purchasing a softbox vs. umbrella for reflecting my light. I am also confused on whether these flash or stay on continuously. Any input would be appreciated.

gladys said...

I just have a question about digital backdrops. what do you think about digital backgrounds? Is it better than the real backgrounds. I also have a question about what kind of camera to buy. Is canon rebel XSI with 17-85IS {thats the lense} with a 580 ex speedlite Is all these things good for pro photography. I just dont want to buy a camera that not good. If its not good could you tell me of some that are good. Thank you

Anonymous said...

I'm just trying to start my own photography business. What is the best type of light meter to get? Exactly how do they work?


Anonymous said...

I enjoy the pod casts by the way!

As far as getting started in the photography business, did you have a formal business plan? I read on another site that almost 80% of startup photography business' fail due to a lack of a formal business plan. Can you give us some ideas how you put your business on paper before picking up the camera?

Garydc said...

I notice at the Mall Type Photo Studio's they take a picture of a child in the picture pops up on a computer screen so that the child's parents can see the picture full screen and I think it also helps the photographer to see how the pictures are coming out, my question is do you do the same and if so what software are you using. I can use the help.

Thank you

Terrie said...

I recently bought a 2 light kit with soft boxes. But I am having trouble knowing where to place them, both in proximity to each other and to the subject. Also they are the same wattage which is causing some washout, any suggestions? I also have a photoshop question. There is a very popular finishing technique amongst photographers in my area called antique or urban antique. Have you heard of this and do you know how to achieve this type of look. I am sure it is done with filters in photoshop but I have no idea where to start.
Thanks. I love the blog, especially the photoshop tutorials.

Anonymous said...

I have a question about putting photos on a dvd for a customer. Should I leave them at the original 72 resolution which is 36x53 inches and let the customer make whatever size they want. Or should I make all the pictures at 300 resolution before putting them on a dvd. I just don't understand this part of photography. I sell dvd's to my customers for them to make their own prints and I have been changing them all to 300 res but didn't know if I should just leave them at 72 so they can make as big a print as they want. Please help explain this to me. And I hope you understand what Im asking.

Anonymous said...

I am new at learning settings on my Canon Rebel and need to take some beautiful pics of my beloved cat that has to be put down soon. Any suggestions on settings would be appreciated. I'd like to take close up portrait type shots of him. Thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

hi Scott and Lisa. my name is Roman im from Minneapolis MN. im interested in photography so i bought a canon rebel xti with sigma lenses, is that a good camera to start? I also bought two light strobes which are 150Watt each, is that enough? are the umbrellas good to start or should i get soft boxes? i started practecing doing portraits and some came out good and some are not. how far do i put subject from the background? is that ok to use 2 light strobes and a flash on the camera? do i use AV, TV, or M mode for portraits? which lens is best for portraits? if you would answer my questions it would help me sooo much! thanks you for your help! by the way....ur kid is awesome baby )) oh and... im about to buy canon 70-200 f/2.8 is usm lens which cost 1.700, is it worth it? thanks alot again!

Shelley said...

I was looking at your site and your beautiful pics. I was wondering if you could explain how you do the pics of the babies with black background and where you only see the baby and hands of the parents. Them are beautiful pics. Also what is the best way to learn about shutterspeeds and f stops for someone that has always only worked with the programmed settings for portraits. Your information is priceless that you give to all of us. You said it best when you said you believe it is better to give then to receive! Thanks for all of your information!

Anonymous said...

Scott, Jim Weller here. We are putting the studio together and were wondering if I didn't carpet the floor as it is concrete, but painted it, what color would you suggest. Or does it really matter. The walls are white as is the hung ceiling. It is 15' x 16' in dimension.



Jessi said...

Scott, Loving the new tutorials. And you have great business ideas as well. I am wondering however why you would use "The Work Flow" tutorial tools with children instead of shooting them inside the props in the studio? By doing it this way do you cut down on studio sitting times? Does it help with uncooperative children? What is the benefit?

Thanks so much!

Garydc said...

Hi Scott, My & I started our own photo studio a few months ago, we work out of our basement and we pretty much shoot with a white backdrop and we have created a few digital props and we have purchased some of your digital props on Ebay and we love them, they work great.. Last month we have made about $6,000.00 with working 3 days a week. My & I are excited to buy your NewPhotobiz 1.0 system, we both feel we need more help. Can't wait!!!!!

Anonymous said...


I was just wondering if you offer your "cover-up" layer as a plug in for download?

Thank you,

Jessi said...


I see where this is all going and I am very interested! I don't want you to give everything away all at once, and I will try my best to be patient as you roll out your surprise... But I do have a few questions about this type of digital backdrop photography:

-Do parents feel there is less of a value because they sessions last only 15-20 min?
-Do parents feel there is not as much value because there are no physical props in the studio. Can they envision what is going to take place?
-How do you market this as limited offer on a weekly basis?

Thanks ever so much,

Renee said...

I already emailed but that was before catching up on past emails and finally viewing the podcasts. so I will repost here for all to see.

First off I want to thank you for allowing input as you put together this course. I can't wait to see the finished product.

NOW an interesting question I have for you. Back when I quit my corporate job as a district manager of a portrait studio it was to open my own personal studio. Now I haven't pushed it because I feared of messing up. But the more and more positive feedback I receive it boosts my self esteem and I am ready to push a bit more. I use to have a home large enough to set up something in my home. We have since made the decision to fulltime RV. So I have been strictly on location when I get shoots or focused on weddings which is not where I really want to focus my time. How would you suggest I go about offering themed sessions esp when I want to do the sessions in one day and be done with it until I am done with processing and ordering of that session?

Next the $99 session you speak about what kind of package are you suggesting with this. I haven't gotten to all the podcasts as I have been busy as I am a homeschooling mom so maybe this is covered so I appoligze if this is covered. I am in the process of catchup today of all my emails from you.

Thanks again.


Anonymous said...

Hi! I just want you to know how much the information on your podcast has meant to me. I am a stay-at-home mom trying to start a part-time children's photography business so I don't have a big budget to buy all the books out there to get more info. Your information has been invaluable. Thanks so much. I am in the process of getting my camera and a good portrait lense and I was wondering what you would suggest. Also what would you say is the most important equipment needed to start with location shots? Your course sounds like it is going to be great. I hope after I get started I'll be able to afford to get it. Thanks again for all the free info you give to all of us on a budget.

Anonymous said...

would a green screen be better to use then a white?

Amanda said...

First, thank you so much for the information. It is easy to see that you are honest and sincere. I was doing my "homework" and I had a question. What are our legal rights to use the pics that we take? I am asking in reference to making bus. cards, websites, and portfolios. Do we legally have to ask, or should we do it out of courtesy?
Thanks Again!

childlikefaith48 said...

Hi Scott & Lisa,
My goodness, I just found you on YouTub yesterday and there is so much to watch and learn.
I live in the country & so my goal is to go to people's homes to take family pictur's for the people who are not able to go to a studio because of their age or health. Also I think people would like having pictures taken with their pets ( horse, dog, ect..).
I thought I would charge so much per mile and then the setting fee.(what do you think?)
I have a Nikon D50 & I still don't know what all the settings are for. This is my biggest problem at the moment. If there any way you could do a video on what the different setting are and what they are for?
Thank you & God Bless

Anonymous said...

Hello Scott, I am having trouble with the price video. It will let me watch alittle over 2 mins worth and then it stops. So I never find out the price or what I need to do to purchase it online. I've been stressed the last couple of days because I really want to get in on this and am afraid Im going to miss the limited amount you are selling. I stay awake at night thinking of everything I can do with your system. Im not complaining, Im just very excited. I need to know where I need to go on the 23rd so Im ready to purchase fast. I am in mountain time so I will be sitting at my computer by 12:30pm waiting to buy this great product. Please help me. I also tried to go on the blog and it said ERROR on this page. I look forward to hearing from you. Kelly J O'Donnell - KodoFotos

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, Hi Scott,

Just a few questions : where do I go to purchase this? or what do I need to do to purchase it?

Can you post the link?

How can I pay?

I think this info will help your first 75 clients!

Many thanks and take care!

Anonymous said...

Hi Scott,
Are your backgrounds/backdrops only for babies? Do you have additional backdrops for toddlers or teenagers?

Jessi said...


I am anticipating the release tomorrow! I really love everything you have done here. This is a great asset to people starting out in the business and you provide it in a very user friendly way.

I was wondering if we will still be able to ask you questions after the release. I am still interested in knowing what type of packages you provide with the digital background photos. Do you provide more than one image with the digital background per sitting to the families in their order? For example, do you provide 7 photo sheets with the same image or do you provide more than one image for the 7-ish photo sheets.

My husband and I are anticipating expanding into this part of the photography business in the new year. It will be a great addition to our portfolio.

Thank you for all that you are doing.

All the best,

Jessi said...

I have successfully uploaded photos to picasa's for a slide show but I can not see where they would allow you to download the slide show to upload onto Any suggestions for safe slide show creators are greatly appreciated. tubemongul looks for an actual file, not a html link.


Anonymous said...

I like your procedure and i'm waiting for mi package by mail, but you forgat about twins the digital backgrounds are for only one baby

Anonymous said...


How would you suggest starting out when you live in a college town that you are not from and there are no kids in the area really to shoot. I have really really really good gear.
i bought about 14 grand of stuff that i felt i needed prior to seeing this site, my camera body is 4500 and the rest is lenses, and some professional lighting, steady, with one strobe light. I dont know any one in the state, and am unsure how to go about getting clients, i am still in school and have no more money to do anything with really, i have the newest of everything though computer software, etc. and a business license with full lawyer agreements made, it all cost a lot, and now i have no income to show for it, I can take a ok photo, i get complements from friends back home. but i am not good at marketing. I am single never married, single child with both parents deceased. I dont have good credit, and got fired from my job by some one who didnt seem to want me there ever. i want to do photography cause i love it, but i need money fast to live, and i cant see any way to make it from college kids with no capital to advertise. Please help?


Anonymous said...

Hi Scott,

Your site is really helpful. My wife and I have our first photo shoot next week. Shooting my sons pre-school. We'll be shooting the kids for free. Then after seeing the proofs, if the parents like them, we are offering packages for them to buy. We'll be shooting on a white background and then do some simple photoshop stuff like making collages and things. My question is, does your "Studio in a Box" include digital backdrops and things to use for kids ages 3-5 and up? Thanks,

Jessi said...

My comment is for Michael above about marketing. I would suggest contacting a local MOMS Club and offering to do a "party" like Scott suggests at one of their meetings or as an event. You will provide the free 4x6 to everyone in attendance and collect all their info etc etc.

You can search for the "International MOMS Club" online and you can also look for other Clubs for Mothers on etc. You can also advertise for free on You can also put flyers up at the local library, gymnastics, music classes, dance, parks etc. All of this advertising will only cost you the ink to print it and your time. Hopefully that will get you started without too much expense.

Good Luck getting started!

Anonymous said...


Thank you for your message. I have listed myself on and will try the other ideas you have mentioned. Thank you again very much. I hope i can start to get some people. Its getting colder soon i wont know where to shoot.

PhotosbyRiki said...

I wanted to know where i get your bath that you have in your vidio. i did not fined it on ebay.

and i see all your props are for babys why don't you have things for older kids?

i love watching your vidios!

Dean said...

Hi Scott and Lisa, this is the first time I've touched base via your blog - finally, thanks for your messages also, I've been following your progress from the great southern land of New Zealand and really appreciate what you've been sharing, especially your absolute enthusiasm behind it. As a self employed graphic designer I've been wanting to transition into photography for quite a long time as it really is a passion of mine, I don't have any specific questions just now but I have been finding a lot of your info really great so thankyou for sharing, it really does make the world go round. More than anything you've inspired me to start making those critical steps toward what I love doing.
Keep up the wonderful work you're doing in sharing your knowledge, it really is very much appreciated.

Thanks and god bless,

Anonymous said...

Hey Scott & Lisa,
I just wanted to leave a comment instead of a question. I ordered the teacup collection from you via amazon and I just want to say I am so thankful to you for doing this so affordably. My clients went crazy when they saw the pics of their children in the teacups! I want people to know how great the quality is and how easy it is to do...Im not a master photoshopper and I did it! I will definitley be a customer for life now because I've gotten so many appointments ahead of me with people asking for these backgrounds and props...GREAT JOB and GOD BLESS!!

Anonymous said...

I love your course and thanks so much for giving us all that valuable information for free. I hope to be able to afford to buy the entire course with all the wonderful digital backgrounds soon. I just got a new Canon xsi this week so I'm kinda broke now.I was also wondering if you would ever consider doing your background as a layer of it's own or sell it by itself as a digital background. I love the background you use for the antique tub and the laundry portraits. I would like to be able to use it with some other portraits as well. Just a thought. Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

Scott, I love your tutorials and the Studio in the Box we purchased.

You mentioned in the latest post you would be happy to share the name of your lab. I would be interested in that.

Daniel Nance

Anonymous said...

Hello Scott and Lisa,

I received the course yesterday and I was amazed with the wealth and quality of information that is included. I look forward to using all of it. Thank you so much for the tremendous support you give. I am very happy to have come across your website.
Much success and health,

Anonymous said...

Hi Daniel,

I'm glad you are enjoying your "Digital Studio In A Box".

The Lab we have been using for over 8 years is You can contact them through their website or by phone. The owners name is Jeff Malcom and is a real nice guy. He puts a lot of money into staying on top of the latest technology.

If you do contact them, tell them that Scott & Lisa sent you and they'll take good care of you. I know everyone there personally and they are all really good at what they do. I wouldn't go anyplace else.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I forgot the Phone Number to Photo Images Lab.


Ask for Jeff or Paula

Jessi said...

Scott & Lisa,

I have been diligently filling my digital backdrops with pics of my son as examples for future clients. I can not wait to advertise and use them. It is a lot of fun.

I've gone through all of the digital backdrops and am impressed with the quality of most. Some I think are a little corny, but that's me, maybe my clients will love them! :)

I still have a few questions that I want to put out there:

-For the $99 studio digital backdrop session, how many poses do you include in the sitting?
-online slide shows - I was able to creat one on picasa, but could not find where to download it. There was a url link, but tubemongule wants an actual file. Maybe a tutorial on this or am I the only one who can't figure this out?

Thanks for any and all help!

Jessi said...

Is it my kids, or are all kids hard to work with. I am a little disheartened at the moment...

Any tips or words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated.

Carpenter Family Life said...

Found you on youtube. My husband and I are considering starting a photography business. My question is what have you found is the best way to advertise? How do you get customers? How much should you budget for that?

Unknown said...

Hello Scott,

Hope all is well on your side.
I have 2 questions if you can help me.
1) Do you set babies on a table or do you shoot either lying or sitting on the floor?
2) How do you copyright your pictures? Do you have to have 2 files of the same photo, one copyrighted and another one not that you can use to print?

Thank you very much for your help!

Anonymous said...

It appears that both links, "How to backdrop.." and "$225 print that sells.." show the video for the print that sells. Where's the backdrop video?


Anonymous said...

I have a few questions for you. I noticed you touched base about turning the backdrop black with a black and white photo but, how do you get that rick black backdrop with a color photo? What about the white. How do you get the really white backdrop?

Anonymous said...

Scott, I want to ask you the same questions that Kim asked. How do you get that rich black back ground using a colored photograph?

Anonymous said...

Just follow every step that you did with the Black & White foot picture. Just leave the saturation alone. That's it...everything else is the same.


Jessi said...

Scott, will the Tele-seminar be available to listen to as a podcast after the call? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessi,

This will be available to all NewPhotoBiz 1.0 owners.

I hope see ya on the call.


Anonymous said...

Hey Scott & Lisa,
When trying to get a truly whitest white background, should I use seamless paper or muslin? I have a background light but i still have wrinkles with muslin? What do you use?

Unknown said...

This isn't a question but I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you guys. I don't have the money to purchase a lot for my new business, just the basics. So, the knowledge you give us, tips, and templates, are very much appreciated. You guys are great. Thanks so much,
Darlene York
Round Rock, Texas

Anonymous said...

I recently purchased your newphotobiz 1.0. The problem I am having is with the 3 cd's. When I put them into my computer they come up as pictures to copy. There are no lessons that I can access on these cd's. I have gone to the website and when I try to access the course material it says I need to use Foxfire, but I am. Please help me. Or are these cd's just supposed to be pictures of your heading and such.

Anonymous said...

Hi Melinda,

Contact me at and I'm sure we can figure everything out.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Scott and Lisa,

What is your advice on eliminating shadows on light backdrops for portrait photos.


Anonymous said...

Hi Scott,
I have a question about lighting. I am going to be doing a portrait party, Theme- Glamour shots. Do you have any advice on lighting setup? Any advice would be Greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Becky

Anonymous said...

· What to say to bring smiles or other emotions in each age group…toddler to adult?
· How to use a light meter…slower and more detailed please? I have no idea how to read one or what to do to camera as a result of the readings on the meter.
· Brand of light meter?
· How tall ceiling needs to be in basement?
· How much time does it take to change your ISO…f stop…and shutter speed and are you supposed to set these in a certain order?
· Could use more education on what F stop is. Where to set it on a Nikon D50.
· You said ISO is your sensitivity. What did you mean by that? How does it affect the picture?
How does F Stop affect the picture?

Unknown said...

I cannot find "Behind the Scenes" video. Am I missing something?

Anonymous said...

Hi Stacey,

The behind the scenes video I think your referring to, never happened.

Once we realized the course was going to be NewPhotoBiz 1.0 and the Digital Background - Prop concept, we never went back and made that video.

The Extra videos are there as bonuses. You should still get a lot out of them.


Maybe in the future.

Garydc said...

Is anyone else having problem with the high key video, it seem to start right, but than it just stops. Anyone else?

Unknown said...


Is there a way I can save the flash movies to my hard drive?


Anonymous said...

Hi Michael,

Not at this time. It's not that I won't allow it, it's just one more step I don't have the time to do right now. Sorry :(

I will consider it in the future.


Anonymous said...

Hello Scott.

I am kind of new to this. Well I have been taking photos for a long time, but not editing them. My questions are:

1. Where can I get digital photography backgrounds AND props?

2. When I changed the levels to darken the background, and once I used the eraser to lighten the subjest, it erased everything, not lighten it. What am I doing wrong?

3. How do I cut out a subject?

Please help me out.


Anonymous said...

Hello Scott,

I want to start by saying thanks for such a wonderful product. I have bought a lot of things on the Internet of the past few years but none with such a wonderful return on my money.

My story is a different one than most you have probably heard. I am returning to a hobby that I once loved many years ago. A time when life was viewed through the viewfinder of a Minolta 202 SLR. Well I still have the Minolta but decided to step my game up a notch. I put my order in for Christmas and will be receiving a brand new Nikon D40 kit with an AF 18MM - 55MM and an AF 55MM - 200MM lens.

Well so much for all that. Anyway I am taking advantage of the time between now and Christmas to study all the material I received with my purchase of New Photo Biz. I love what I have already seen and haven't even touched the tip of the iceberg. I will be starting a part time Photography business after the first of the year. I will be doing business as and already have business cards made up.

Again I want to thank you for such a great deal. You have changed my mind about people from New York. I have one quick question before I go if I may. I am looking at buying an alien bee. Should I be looking at an umbrella or a softbox for my first studio setup.

Thanks Scott.

Kenny Kanode

Anonymous said...

Hi Scott,
Thanks for all the info and ideas. You talked about posting a flyer for a contest in ideal locations. Does this contest consist of the customer submitting their info, especially email, stating that they are interested in what I can do and I pick one name out of a hat and give them the free "whatever I decide on as stated in the contest" and then I contact the others who did not win and set up appointments with them?
You didn't specify and was just wondering the details. Thanks again for everything.

Anonymous said...

Hello Scott.

I am kind of new to this. Well I have been taking photos for a long time, but not editing them. My questions are:

1. Where can I get digital photography backgrounds AND props?

2. When I changed the levels to darken the background, and once I used the eraser to lighten the subjest, it erased everything, not lighten it. What am I doing wrong?

3. How do I cut out a subject?

Please help me out.


Bekkie said...

I have found nothing that talks about model releases. Is a release necessary?

I was also wondering about making prints from your home printer.


Anonymous said...

Helo, I bought your digital creations backdrops , and have a question . when I extract the image everything is fine I save it and I have copied it then when I open the backdrop the first image is gone , on the right where you drag the first image over to the backdrop from theres no image but the backdrop

Anonymous said...

Scott, I can't thank you enough for all this great info. I think my biggest issue is charging clients a sitting fee. I do pet photography and I guess I feel that my work is not good enough to charge a sitting fee. How do you know when your work is good enough to start charging a sitting fee and how much do I charge? I know you are extremely busy but if you could check out my website ( and give me a feel of what you think about my work, that would give me an idea on whether I should be charging a sitting fee or not. I've only been in business for 6 months. My client list is now starting to pick up. I have 13 shootings scheduled. I want this to be a full time job for me in about two years. Columbus, Ga. does not have a pet photographer so I feel this is a good area to offer this service. Let me know what you think. Thanks. said...

Thanks Scott,
I've had CS2 for about a year now and had not been able to figure out how to combine images, now I know, thanks, to Dan Eitriem for telling his subscribers about you.
My only problem is that I can't figure out how to scale the inserted image down. Any advice ?
Will Whitmer

Anonymous said...

Hey Scott,

Will we be able to pay for the course via Pay Pay or do we have to purchase it with a credit card?

Looking forward to getting the course.

-Ray K.

Anonymous said...

Scott, where can I purchase all those neat props that you use in your photos??? I have no problem finding the digital back drops but I'm not having any luck finding good props to use. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone,

I really wish I could go through and answer all the questions that come in, but there just isn't enough hours in the day.

Some questions need to be answered in a video lesson, like how to merge 2 images or scale to fit.

I do cover this in NewPhotoBiz 1.0, but have also created the"WorkFlow" video that shows a simple process on how to do this.

I wanted to answer a few that have come in via the Blog and email.

Where can I purchase digital props and backgrounds?

We sell them and are going to be re-releasing NewPhotoBiz 1.0 that will include all of these.

How can I pay for this system?

We will be accepting PayPal and Credit Card payments.

I also wanted to address Connie's question about not knowing when to start charging.

I looked at your web page and I say... start now! Your stuff is great and the Pet Photography market is wide open. Anyone reading this, should also consider entering this market. Pet owners are just as much into their dogs as parents and their children.

NewPhotoBiz 1.0 has been used for this market. We've actually had students email pictures using our props and backgrounds..they look AWESOME!

So, that's all the time I have right now. Keep them coming and I'll do my best to answer them.

I should have more time after the launch to interact and answer more questions.

Talk to ya soon!


Garydc said...

Hey Scott,
Is there something wrong with the high key white background video? It starts fine but a few seconds into it it stops. I can watch all the other ones but not this one..

Anonymous said...

Hey Gary,

I haven't had anyone contact me with any problems regarding the High Key video.

Try the one I put up on YouTube and see if this works for you.

Here's the link below.


Anonymous said...

Hi Scott, I LOVE your backgrounds for children. Do you have any for dogs? I am a dog photographer and would love to see one with dogs.

I know you can't be everything to everybody...just asking.


Anonymous said...

Hi Scott,

I like your videos!! Is there any way I can download the videos you've posted about the New Photobiz 1.0 product?

This way I can watch them on my pc without being connected to the internet. I have a dial up connection (in the country it is expensive to get satellite connection) and it takes about an hour to watch a 5 minute video (longer if I get bumped off my internet connection).

I have not been able to watch the last 4 videos as a result of the slow connection.



Anonymous said...

Hi Suzanne,

Most of our digital props and backgrounds can be used for pet photography. We have received a lot of samples from other NewPhotoBiz 1.0 owners. They have already started using them in this market.

They look GREAT!

If I get a chance, I'll try and post some samples on the blog.


Kim Sheely said...

Hi Scott,
Love the new high key images, just wondered if they will be available for those of us that purchased the set on the 1st go around? Also, anyway to get our hands on the fast action bonus and very neat new digital background. Thanks, Kim

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim,

If you purchased NewPhotoBiz 1.0 the first time around, you will get all the bonuses from this release. Just look for an email from me with all the bonuses sometime tomorrow.


Kenny said...

Scott, could you explain the term "setting fee" and how it fits into the whole pricing scheme. Is it's purpose to repay you for your time involved during the photo shoot? How do you market this in with your package fees?

Anonymous said...

Hi Scott,
I am planning on buying Newphotobiz 1.0 today.
This is a great business and so well put together.

I have noticed that most of the business focuses on babies, apart from the video's showing portraits of the young children's legs and feet and also using a chair to pose young children.

Have you considered designing some digital props that could be used for pre-teen children in the same way that the flowers are used for the baby photography ?

Have you ever done any photo's of fully clothed pre-teen children lying on a flower ?

Do they have the same impact ?

Thanks for your help.
Darren from the UK

Heidi said...

I just ordered the New Photo Biz 1.0. How do I get to the member area? It left me at an ordering page on PayPal. Will I be getting an email with a link?

Thanks so much for your helpful information.

Anonymous said...

How does one know if their order is part of the 25 or 50 orders submitted.


Anonymous said...

How does one know if their order is part of the 25 or 50 orders submitted.


Anonymous said...

I just got your system and downloaded your digital backgroud to see how big it is.
The file is only 10x6 inches background with 300dpi.
I do lots of large prints, and the file is too small for me to do any enlargements.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamison,

This size is what comes out of a Nikon D100 camera and we enlarge these up to 20x30's everyday.

You won't have any problems getting these printed in a larger size.

Don't be fooled by what the image size says in Photoshop. Some photo labs only print using 240 DPI and the 300 DPI image we supply will allow you to print at a much higher resolution.

I hope this makes sense.

Trust me... you won't have a problem printing very large prints with our images.


Anonymous said...

Hi I have already made my purchase and I was wondering how do I get to the members area so I can get the instant downloads

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed the members area :)
I don't know either, and we are not patient at all due to our excitement... Yes i also purchased the 1.0 today :)

Anonymous said...

I just realized that people who purchased using a Credit Card and not PayPal, weren't directed to the members area automatically.

This was a little glitch I didn't see coming.

If this happened to you, send me an email or wait until I contact you via the email address you used when purchasing.

We'll get this figured out real soon.

Thanks Again everyone.


Unknown said...

I am very disappointed. I ordered within 1 minute and am told I missed the first 50 orders especially when I got a email saying they sold the first 50 in 30 minutes..What gives. Ron

Anonymous said...

I purchased the new photo biz 1.0 on the 3rd of december and my wife told me when i did i should have gotten a link to a instant access. I paid by paypal and i got my confermation but no link.Please contact me as soon as possible about this. Mike.B

Anonymous said...

Hi Michael,

I just sent an email with all the details you should have received after you purchased on the 3rd.

Thanks Again!


Regina said...

Hi Scott,
I have been checking out your blog for some time now and really wanted to finally purchase the Photo Biz 1.0, but missed it. I work 12 hours a day and by the time I got home it was over. :(
There is so much information out there on started a photography business that it can be pretty overwhelming and your system seems to simplify everything.
I have most of the equipment that I need to get started, I just need the guidance to get going. I have several people approaching me already to take pictures of the children and I haven't even got started yet!
When will the program be back on for sale? Can't wait to stop working those 12 hour days!

Bekkie said...

Hi Scott:

I received my Photo Biz package in the mail today.

It's everything you said it was! There is such a wealth of information here that it's going to take me a little time to go through it all and have it sink in.

Thanks again for such a great product and wonderful service.

Look forward to working with you.


Anonymous said...

Hi Scott,

I wanted to write you to you to say a HUGE thank you for all the wonderful information you share in your ebook. And at no charge also! You had a lot of valuable information in there and it is so nice of you to share your knowledge with us. I also love your photoshop videos - they were so helpful!

I am dying to get my hands on your complete course as I know I will really be able to get my photography business rolling once I have it. I was not able to get it this time around due to finance issues but want to make sure to get it next time around. Please keep me posted on when you will release it again.

Thanks so much!

Heather Kenny
Stormy Eyez Photography

Anonymous said...

Hi Scott,
First of all i just wanted to say thankyou for sharing all this GREAT information!
Second, I purchased the NewPhoto Biz on the 2nd and I was just wondering how long it takes to get to Florida? I still havent received it yet, but I am patiently waiting and very excited to receive it!
Again Thank you so very much
God Bless!
Chrystal Helms
PicsbyChrys Photography

Anonymous said...

Hi Scott...

I have PS CS version 8 and can't find LEVELS so that I can make a nice white back ground like you show in one of your videos where you then adjust the histogram.

I can find histogram, but it doesn't allow me to make changes to it.



Anonymous said...

I would get a lot more benefit from this blog if Scott answered each person's question here rather than make us wait for a video.

Video cannot be scanned quickly to find the answer one needs. And how would we know which video has answers to our questions? takes so much time to view.

Anonymous said...


When you are in photo shop copy the layer you want to edit, then go to the bottom right corner of the program look in the layers section there is a circle half black half white, RIGHT CLICK :) it then look for curves, Thats the easiest way then you can edit it, as far as the levels its in the same section right click the circle half white, half black and click levels. Option on a mac too.. :) After either is selected all you have to do is in curves (click on the Diagonal line and drag around as he showed in the video) Now for Levels. Go in it how i explained, And under the histogram there are is a line with three marks on it directly under it, Drag them around one is for darks (usually on left, middle is generally greys or mids, right is lights and or whites. Thank you come again lol I will be making windows Based tutorials later for photo shop and will tell Every one where the links can be found..

Morningside Nursery said...

Hi Scott, I found you on Youtube and thank you so much for all of your helpful tips! First off My story is about the same as yours. I Have 4 beautiful children and miss working! I became a Reborn artist (Making realistic newborn baby dolls) and I sell them On Ebay. I have seen another artist who is also a photographer and she takes profesonal pics of her dolls and they are beautiful! So I have decided to go ahead and buy a Cannon Rebel Xti and a starter studio set off of and Dream maker photo. My sales on Ebay with the professona looking portraits of the dolls have gone though the roof! So I had a neighbor come over with her 3 children for me to take for the Christmas Portraits and I fell in love with how much fun it is to work with photographing children! So I started to practice on my 4 children every Sunday night and I post them on my blog spot for any comments or suggesgens. I have gotten lots of good comments but when I look at other photos done by other photographers, they look so crisp clear colorful and Beautiful! and mine look dull and fuzzy and grey when I go to open the photo in Paint shop pro it takes the color away and when I open with photoshop it add more color. So I try to adjust the color to what I think is best. My setting for indoor portraits is Shutter 1/25 at F8 ISO at 400 is there a problem with this setting? It looks good on my preveiw in the camera but once I get it into my computer it looks fuzzy and not so clear and beautiful like it does on the camera. I have decided to make my basement into my photography studio and photograph mainly children since my ceiling is only 7 feet high. I plan On asking people if they would let me practice on their children So I can use them for advertising. Then Once I feel my photography is at a professonal level then I will start charging by packages also should I give out Free CDs of their picturs or should I charge for it. Thank you so much again for having this blog spot I invite you to come to mine and please comment on how I am doing so far. I have lots more questions! Looking forward to more lessons. and tips thanx again!

Morningside Photography

Anonymous said...

Scott, just found your videos on youtube and read you book, thanks for the great info! I'm just trying to learn the basics on starting a photography business so this has helped me. My question is on the training, I see you have a course out there with the digital backgrounds, I think that is great but I'm really interested in just learning basic photography with a regular backdrop (black/white) and was wondering if you'll be releasing a course on that? Without the digital backgrouds? I think in the future I'd be really interested in doing something with the digital backgrounds, but for now, I really want to just learn how to take good photographs in a studio setting. I was looking everywhre for the video on "Behind the Scenes, then read that it was never made. I think you could offer a course like this and there would be much interest! I've had the hardest time finding a course that is geared towards the beginner that has the bascis without all the fluff! Please consider doing this.

Ed said...

Thank you for providing such wonderful unselfish support. My question is, the majority of our customers are African American and correcting color in CS3 is so difficult, any suggestions, also if I was to use your feet picture should I use the white backdrop or have you done the black before with positive reslts? Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

Ha all i Need a Cheep Dslr can eny one help

Anonymous said...

I have a Olympus E-510 that i have for sale on craigslist i don't know how cheap is cheap, but i am selling it with the bag, warranty (1 year) one lens comes with it, 150mm one 2 gig card, battery and charger for it, but i have it for 600, if its to much just ignore this. :) Pics i have taken with it are here if you want to see its quality with my goof off shots.
If interested you may simply e-mail me at
if not no worries. Have a great day and god bless.

Anonymous said...

To the one asking about a course on studio photo class type thing....

A tip: No matter how many courses you read see, the absolute best idea is to just do it, Courses and such are super great for added tips and bonus things to help jump start ideas, But you'll never learn anything with out jumping into it. it can be overwhelming but i just grabbed a few friends and started shooting, and i am doing studio work now and was before and i learned a lot by experimenting and learning as i went and courses are really great for tips to make things faster and easier, like scott's newphotobiz, That is a great tool to help everyone on here, he has an entire business plan for any who will use it, very powerful for beginners and people unsure how to go about starting anything. So my official advice, Think of the type of photos you want to take and practice with people you know, this will help you see how it will look when you start doing it officially you will understand what not to do with lights, where to put them where not to, and read as many tips people say and try them see if they work for your ideas, Last but not least I shot my cousin's daughter on a black background, and she is African American as well and it looks great. White would look fine too, i did them in black and white just personal preference cause i liked the way scott's turned out but if your worried just go give out a promo for some free 5x7's and let them come so you can practice with them see how they turn out on both and have a chance to get paid from it after too. :) always promote yourself with your experiments as you will learn it will increase your popularity and make you grow at the same time you learn.. :)

Anonymous said...

Hello, I just wanted ti know where is your forum for those who bought photobiz 1.0. Thanks

Anonymous said...

You should have received an email with all the details. You can email me at and I can give you all the info.

If you didn't receive an email from us, I will need your full name you purchased with and I can verify your order.


3kids1cat said...

I may have missed this in your videos but did you or can you talk about how to sharpen a photo? Example....shooting 3 kids outside at dusk I had to use a large F-stop and thus my depth of field was too shallow....I already had my ISO way up. I don't know if there was something else I could have done? Result....the one child slightly behind the first two kids was "soft". Can I fix this?

Unknown said...

Have a picture a client said was too green. can you adjust it and let me know what you did?

Unknown said...

hava a picture a client said was too green. wondering if you can adjust it and let me know what you did?

Morningside Nursery said...

Could you show us a video of your studio set up so I can get some ideas how to set mine up better. Thanx again for all you do! =0)

Anonymous said...

Hi there...thanks for all the information! Could you go over how to effectively cut out an image if you are using elements?

Unknown said...

Hi there Scott,
I first would like to Thank You for all that you do. You have been a tremendous help!
My questions are:
How do you effectly "cut" a subject out and keep the edges sharp. I need help!
Also I know from your podcast that you use strobes, but for those of us that found you too late and have invested in continious lighting, do you have any advise?
And last, I have a Canon Rebel XTI,
is there any type lens you recommend?
Again THANKS for all your help...

Anonymous said...

Scott, I am having trouble deciding which backdrops to purchase. I purchased a few muslin backdrops but Im not really happy with them. Should I check into purchasing canvas? What do you recomend purchasing. I want a smooth look to the bottom of my photos especially the white.

karensphotography2 said...

Scott I need help
I had a photo shoot and they all had glasses on and I ended up with a glare on the glasses. How do you remove the glare? I did have them tilt their heads but still go the glare.

Garydc said...

Hi Scott,
I have been out of the PhotoBiz loop for about a month now with the Holidays and I became very ill. I missed out on the open call you had and I haven't been on the Forum let so I don't know if this question was brought up. My question: I ran into a cropping issue with my Photo lab. It only happen a few times but they told me that I didn't send the right size file over. Do you resize your files for each print size.

Anonymous said...

Hi Scott,
You have been doing a nice job,
I having been shooting professionally for 25 years. I started doing children's portrait back in the day of film. I have since switched to digital. Life is so much easier!
Please contact me if there is anything that comes across you needing additional advice. I'm happy to help!
Please check out my site
Randee from L.I NY
We have family that lives in your town!

Anonymous said...

Hi Scott,
I have not stated a full heads on photo business. But, I do get asked to do family or children photos from time to time. I was asked to take photos of 3 teens. in 2 weeks. I live in Montana and the weather is a issue. I do all of my photos outdoors. Should I do them in my home instead? And if so what do I need? My basement is dark and not much light at all. That why I like the outdoors. So i'm kinda in a jam!! The photos will be in black and white. Thank You!!! Angie Billings,MT.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if you have any advice on photographing stainless steel. My passion is childrens photography, but I have an opportunity to make a little money taking pictures of stainless sinks, countertops, and other stainless products. Thank you for taking the time to read my question.
Darbi Connor

Anonymous said...

Hi Scott- I would love a little tutorial on how to effectively use the lasso tool and a discussion on ways to use it for different applications. Also, I was trying to use some of the techniques you taught us on turning things black and white and then I was trying to bring back just a touch of color in certain areas with the eraser tool but I cant get a sharp edge on it (like if I turned just the tutu pink again). Can you show us how!???? Please Please!

Anonymous said...

Will your digital creations work in photoshop cs4

Anonymous said...

First, let me say I am honored and grateful that we have helped so many people. It feels really good to know everyone appreciates what we do.

It seems there has been some questions recently about cutting out images in "Elements". I actually created a "Workflow" video that is for the release of NewPhotoBiz 1.0.

This video will be part of our pre-launch video sequence.

You can view the video by joining the pre-notification list. This is for anyone who is interested in learning more about this concept.

I'm actually creating another video that will help add $$$ to a business just starting out as well as one that is up and running.

I find it much easier to teach by using videos. What can I say...I'm not a good typist.

You can head over to to get all the videos for the NewPhotoBiz 1.0 release.

I almost forgot to tell you. We open up for orders on Tuesday, January 27th at 4:00 PM EST.

Keep the questions coming. I'll do my best to get these answered...ASAP.

Talk to ya soon!


Anonymous said...

What photoshop do you have? CS?? I have no editing programs other than free online stuff that I have gathered & iphoto. (It's just a hobby so far.) I was wondering if I can do most of what you are doing with elements or if you suggest I make the investment with one of the CS programs...

Anonymous said...

Pretty much any version will work.

If I was just starting out, I would go with Elements 6.0.

I have just about every version since Photoshop 6 and the new Elements has everything you should need. You could always graduate at a later date.

I hope this helps.


Anonymous said...

Hi Scott, I am going to purchase a soft box for my in home studio. I am still confused about weather to buy strobe or continous light. can you help me understand the difference. maybe I am good either way! Thanks Ellen

Anonymous said...

I really like what I have seen of your stuff so far.
I think the podcasts are a really good idea.
I enjoy listening to you and your comments.
One question right now.
I have watched a few of your videos and see that you seem to like to work with mostly jpeg files.
Do you have a reason for this? I know they take a lot more memory, but do you think you will not get a better quality image in the final output to print.


Anonymous said...

I forget to mention I was talking about the difference
between shooting RAW or Jpeg files.


Anonymous said...


For any one not familiar with file outputs in a digital Camera.
The quality of a file format wont change weather you shoot a jpeg or a raw format.

The difference in quality:
NONE they both will look the exact same. The raw file will be really large and the jpeg (jpg) will be smaller file size.

The reason you want to use raw vrs Jpeg is cause a jpeg has all the parts of a picture compressed together. Think of it like a bunch of clear plastic sheets making up a picture a jpeg is one sheet with everything on it. but a raw image has one sheet for red, one sheet for green one for blue etc....
This means when you take it to photo shop or a color lab to edit for you, you will be able to edit a raw image better than a jpeg, and that is what will make the4 photos look better, most don't know what a raw image is its just how it sounds. Raw not changed not compressed. And jpeg was created by a team of programmers (jpeg those letters stand for the programmers names) Some history there for ya. So every one can shoot in raw or jpeg, no difference in quality of shoot, however people that have a raw file can edit the individuale colors with out touching the rest of the photo, makes life easier and the photos turn out better. as an examle have you ever had a blur tinted photo? heh we all have had one of those. well if you shot raw you can go to the blue layer and tone it down making the photo perfect if you shot it in jpeg you have to let photo shop guess what is blue, And it will "un-blue" (decrease the blue) the entire photo which means non blue colors will also be affected. Any way i yapped enough about this i could go forever my company only uses raw images we shoot jpegs too at the same time so we have one for each pic, a jpeg and a raw,. we use the jpegs as a fast glance to find the raw we want. I would advise every one who has a camera that can to learn to use raw rather than jpeg EVEN YOU SCOTT.. Cause the quality difference is there after you print. Any way toodles.

Anonymous said...

And mike if you have any questions in regards with what i was saying or any one else Feel free to e-mail me directly.

Anonymous said...

I'm receiving emails re the launch on Jan 27th. I can't wait to get all the details and get started. I want to buy a DLSR camera, but should I wait until I have your material?


Anonymous said...

Am I crazy or does 60 percent less than $60.00 equal 24.00 and not 36.00 as in the latest video. I think all the 60/60 math was wrong. I'm not trying to be jerk, I just want to know If I'm not getting something.

Anonymous said...

The 60/60 rule is correct. I may of used the word "off" when I meant "of" in the second example up-sell #2, but the money figures are correct.

Here's the math:

Your Regular Price that you base your calculations from = $100

Up-sell #1 is 60% of $100 = $60
Up-sell #2 is 60% of $60 = $36

The second part of this rule is that 60% of your clients will take the offer.

That is The 60/60 Rule used by many businesses.

Try and use this as an example that you can build upon. I'm trying to show you that small numbers can create big numbers.

I hope this now makes sense.


WeClick Photos said...

When it comes to Modeling Shots, how do you make the skin look flawless. Is there another way other than the healing tool? I have a model who have stretch marks on her tummy as well as a LOT of pimples and blotches on her face. HELP!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Candice,

There are a lot of different ways you can achieve this using many tools.

I have used the Healing brush, Clone Tool and Dodge and burn Tool just to name a few.

I would recommend creating a new blank layer or a layer mask above your subject you're working on.

Make sure "Use All Layers" is checked. This way you can apply your adjustments to a separate layer allowing you to adjust the opacity as well as erase what you don't like.

This would be easier to explain if I could show you in a tutorial.

After the release of NewPhotoBiz 1.0, I will try and shoot a tutorial for everyone on basic retouches.

I hope this helps.


WeClick Photos said...

Thanks Scott for the reply. In the meantime I will try to see what will happen. I am hoping that you can fit the basic retouches in a tutorial. Although some of us such as myself need to be taught more of an extreme retouch.

Thanks again,

Anonymous said...

Great job on the videos. Lots of great ideas on getting a photo biz started, especially in the third one on setting prices, up-selling, etc. Keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

Hi Scott!!! I just wanted to let you know that I have been applying your PS ideas to my pet photography business and it has made such a huge difference. People love it! I just ordered one of your CD's off of Ebay. I'm sure I'll have a blast using the different props. Keep all your creative ideas coming. Thanks for helping me make my business better.

ceddy2000 said...

The new video Work flow 1 is only
1:59 seconds long.It gets cut off
were you get ready to put in your
your back ground.

Anonymous said...

The 60/60 works great. My average ticket/invoice is about $300. My wife and I shoot about five customer a week. we have had up to seven in one week but the average for us is about five. Thats about $1,500 a week. $6000.00 a month. We spend about $1,200.00 a month on product, web,invoices,software, equipment, fuel, and mis-material. We spend around 8 to 10 hours a week on the photo shoots, post editing, Lab work, meeting with the customer. We spend about 30 plus hours a week marketing, brain storming, working on weekly promotions. I'm not going to lie, its a lot of work getting the five customers we do get a week, but as we build more loyal customers we hope that the word spreads and we can cut back a little on advertising. We both love it. We are making a video on what we do, from answering calls, setting up appointments, greeting the customers, a live photo shoot, post editing, proof delivery, presenting our other products/up selling and presenting the final product. Maybe Scott can view it first before we send it out there.. Thanks Garydc

Anonymous said...

Hi Gary,

I would love to hear your story sometime.

Maybe we could set up a phone call and record it and let everyone hear all the details.

Drop me an email at


Anonymous said...

Hi Scott,
I like the idea of using digital backgrounds and props.
Do you have a lot of them? and can I purchase them from you. I think this is a great way of getting around buying a whole bunch of backgrounds and props.
Will you be introducing a lot more of these?
Do you think Green Screen is a better background to use for shooting your main photo rather than white.
Does it help when it comes to cropping around hair.
Eg. (Curly hair)

Let me know what you think.
Thanks Mike

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike,

I'm glad you see the power of using digital props and backgrounds. It makes life a lot easier and gives so much more to offer your clients.

It also pays for itself over and over again.

I'm in the middle of releasing NewPhotoBiz 1.0 and will be going live on Tuesday, January 27th at 4:00 PM EST.

This is a complete system for anyone just starting out or anyone who wants to add this to their current business.

We do have plans to add more to our collection and will be announcing these in the middle to the end of Feb.

Take Care!


Lisa is hard at work creating some really nice fresh additions.

Morningside Nursery said...

Hi Scott, Where can I find the video about how to make a cut out of a prop that you put the baby in or subject. Thanx again!

Anonymous said...

I think this is the video you're talking about.


Anonymous said...

hi scott
how much will a coppey be in the uk. wot is the retaill prise were u or in new york and the uk

Anonymous said...

Scott, I live in Huntington Beach, CA. I am very interested in your program but what if other people in this area are using your products? Can you check by zip code (92646,92647,92648 & 92649)if there are any others in this area? I am not sure if I am expressing myself properly so I hope you understand. Thank you.

jb712 said...

Hi Scott, do you already have to have Photoshop downloaded or does that come with the course?

Anonymous said...

This response is to the last 2 questions.

As for selling to that zip code, I would have to research past buyers or future. I wouldn't worry to much about the competition. There's enough out there for all of us.

Yes, you will need a version of PS to use the digital backgrounds and props. This software does not come with NPB 1.0.

I hope that answers your questions.

Talk to ya later!


Anonymous said...

Hi, Scott.
We are working on starting our studio and we are very excited. We were already using our own digital backdrops so I know how time-consuming they can be to make. We are definitely in for a copy of NPB 1.0.

I have currently only been "practicing" on family and friends, because I really didn't know very much about Photoshop yet and I was also not too confident about my posing abilities. So I wanted lots of practice first. My question is this: I have been selling prints to family and friends at just over my cost because I felt like that was a win-win. They get great portraits, and I gain invaluable experience. But I'm not really making any money on this yet. When I DO start charging for sittings, etc., should I continue the family/friends pricing, or quit offering that? I have made it clear that those prices are just for them, but I don't want to set myself up for problems later. What do you do about this issue?

Thanks, Katie Fowler

Anonymous said...

Wow! You have got it together. The videos have me thinking!

Once, about 30 years ago, I wanted to be a photographer. Was working with someone in (the Army) Germany, and got pretty good at the craft, but then a couple years later a babysitter stole my camera. Couldn't seem to good without it after that.

Well, my husband bought me a Sony Cybershot about five years ago, and I still haven't learned all about it.

We had layoffs where I worked, and I was certain to be one of them, and the idea of starting a Photo business started to formulate. Well, I was laid off last week, and now I see this as my only option...if...

Ever feel like everyone has money but you? I sure do! We're this () close to a bankruptcy. Had two cars repoed in the last two years. There's just no money here! Don't know how I would even pull together <$300 at this point, and that's VERY dissapointing. Wouldn't expect you to do all this work for nothing anyway, but let's face it, there are no guarantees in life except that things will change...for better or for worse.

Got any payment plans? Is there more investment after your program? Always seems the saying, "It takes money to make money" is true no matter what the venue. All I can do is pray at this point, and that I do!

Thanks for your time, and all your effort on our (the hungry masses) behalf. I wish you the best in your venture, and suspect you're well on your way to becoming a millionnaire. Congratulations to you and your family. My deserve it! Continued success to you and yours.

Anonymous said...

Hello Scott I will be ready on the 27th I tried to watch the last two videos they did not work could you resend if you do not have lighting and you have a point and shoot cam how can i get good pic to put into props or is this posiable

Thanks Clarence

Anonymous said...

More a comment in tha some of your potential customers are several hours ahead of your EST! 4 am for me in Hong Kong so we may miss the cut.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to try and answer a few questions that have been posted in the past few days.

Do You offer A Payment Plan?

I've been receiving a lot of emails about a payment plan for NPB 1.0. We don't have one in place this time around, but maybe in the future.

Unfortunately, it takes a little more set up on my part and now that I have these requests, I'll look into it for future releases.

Will A Point and Shoot Camera Work?

You can get good results from a Point and Shoot camera , but the onboard flash is the problem. You get harsh lighting and bad shadows shooting straight on. I'm not saying you can't get started with this type of camera, but my first investment would be a budget Digital SLR.

Don't let this stop you from getting started...just use something to start practicing you photography and Take Action!

Will I miss out on NPB 1.0? I'm in another time zone.

We will go Live on Jan 27th at 4:00 PM EST . We won't have different times for different countries, it would be a big mess. Sorry:(

I would set my alarm clock. LOL

This is more for others living in countries that are several hours different, like Australia and Hong Kong just to name a few.

I hope this answers your questions.

I'll talk to everyone real soon!


Rauxann said...

i just watched your video, and i read your emails, this is very easy to do. so my concern is that everyone could buy this and do there own pictures for less money, how can i make money if everyone is getting this,

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with anonymous question... Camera settings is my BIGGEST problem. No one just doesent understand my question. They start tlking about apertures and exposures. But i need the real deep down secrets. How really do the professinals set their cameras. Please help me.

Anonymous said...

There is no exact setting that you will always use. Every situation is different, but there are some settings that you can start with.

I did a Podcast a little while back that went over some settings we use in and out of our studio.

Here is a link to that Podcast.

Just click and paste the address in your web browser or visit the Podcast on the left of the Blog titled...Podcast #2.

I hope this helps.


Anonymous said...

I meant the right of the Blog:)

dburrows12 said...

Hi Scott - I live in a small apartment (no rec room or anything I could use) and am wondering what you would recommend for those of us without a spare room or basement to use for the portrait sessions. I do all of my portrait work on location, but I want to have a place that I can announce and advertise a month or 2 in advance...that requires knowing where I will be doing the sittings for that particular theme day. Any ideas are much appreciated, keeping in mind I have a very limited (if no) budget to get started. Thanks for your help!


Anonymous said...

Hi Scott

Greetings from New Zealand.

What are the methods of payment for the New Photobiz product.


Ron - Platinum Shots said...

Hi Scott,

You are a blessed family and I really appreciate what you have done. You have given me the inspiration to go after my passion. I cant wait to buy your course and begin to fulfill my dreams of being a photographer. Thanks to you I'm on my way and I will dedicate my first shoot too you and your family. Again Thanks and God Bless.


Anonymous said...

I look forward to meeting and working with you all the NPB 1.0 Owners.

We feel very fortunate to pass our knowledge and experience along to others. It's truly a dream come true for Lisa and I.

See ya in the Forum.


Anonymous said...

Shooting against a white background, with a point and shoot or other camera where the flash is mounted on the camera, HOW do you avoid shadows behind the subject? Are you leaving the on-camera flash off and using clip-ons set up high? Whats your lighting scheme?

JACKIE said...

Hi Scott,

My husband and have been asked to take photos for our kids teams. Where would we get order forms for that? We have been just getting pictures developed at our local camera store. Can you get me your lab info?

Unknown said...

Hey Scott,

Just now watching your videos and listening to your podcast etc. Very powerful stuff, I hope I can apply it effectively. Really weird timing as I was researching starting a photo biz??!

What are the tax write offs for your business?
Would you recommend doing trial tests for friends for free to get your name going?

Anonymous said...

Hi Mark,

I'm glad you're enjoying the info.

I cover how to get your name out there in the "Getting Customers" section of NPB 1.0. Once you get the ball rolling it will pick up speed.

The tax thing is different for everyone, but I know you would get to write off your business stuff. Let me just say on record that I'm not an accountant. I would check with one to know for sure.

Talk to ya soon!


Anonymous said...

I tried again and again to access the quick links to purchase your program that you provided in your email and was never able to connect.
Very disapointed

Anonymous said...

The server may be slowing down right now. It's getting hammered as I type.

Try This page will be "Live" during the release of NPB 1.0.


Anonymous said...

Hello Scott my order went through and I have a receipt number but did not get to the welcome page I sent you an emile with receipt number my order was done by 2min after the time started 20 min till I should be with in the 75 but did not get the welcome page can you help me figure this out

Piscesmoon said...

Hi Scott,
I'm loving everything I've seen and listened to so far and am wondering about release forms. Do you have release forms on one of the CD's and if so which number? If not where can I go to find release forms to use.

I have a standard model release form for when we were using models at the photography school I was at, but didn't get around to taking a business class before I moved out of state.

Thanks for your help and all your tutorials, information and techniques.


Anonymous said...

Hi scott&lisa I have bought the newphotobiz and did not get the welcome page. I was wondering if you have sent an email to the people that payed by credit card yet thank you

Anonymous said...

Please email me at and I will make sure you get the information.


corn said...


corn said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Scott,

You mentioned that you have put up a video of "Behind the Scenes of your studio setup. Please could you let me know where to view it, as I can't find it on your blog.

Thank you


Anonymous said...

Your fall templates are so very cute. Thankyou for allowing us to be able to use those. Sowing and Reaping certainly is a wonderful concept, and God Bless you and your family. Scott do you have anything on the upcoming Holiday of Valintines Day? My Children for Christmas presented me with a point and shoot digital camera and it is just to much fun. Again thankyou so very much for all your works, for so many folks.

Creative Edge Photography said...

Hi !!!

Can you "PLEASE" tell me the best way for creating a price list for my customers. Any Ideas at all.

People are asking how much I charge for everything and I haven't got that far.

Thank You So Much !!!


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Hi Hayley,

I like using the $99 price point for a basic package. If your just starting out and want to build a portfolio...$49 would be fine.

Just make sure your customers know that this is a special offer that is limited while you build your business. (Very Important)

Here is a basic package you could offer that will cost you less than $20.


I hope this helps.


Anonymous said...

Hi Scott~

Your videos, blogs and podcasts are full of a wealth of helpful information and insite. They are so very much appreciated, more then you may ever know! Your generosity is amazing. Thank you!

My question is this:

How do you get your data to your lab for printing? Do you load it all on disk and how does the lab know how many of each to print or what sizes (packages)? I am sure each lab may be a bit different but I was just looking for a rough idea of how this process works.

Thank you again for all you do!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your generosity! I finally found time to peruse your blog and website, and I wish I had done it sooner! What awesome info!!! It is greatly appreciated :) Angela

Anonymous said...

Scott, I just watched your new video on pricing. Thank you! Just one question. For the proof sets, do you put PROOF on them or your name at the bottom? I'm assuming this is just the 4x6 they can give away. How do you keep them from taking that, scanning it and having it printed??

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you enjoyed the last video.

We only put proof on the back along with our phone, website and business name.

We learned long ago that you won't stop people from scanning your work, so we came up with a solution that works for us.

Our clients have to pay us up front for our $219 package before they receive their proofs. This way we get paid up front and our clients still submit additional large orders .

We've been practicing this payment style for years and have built our business because of it.

I hope this helps.


Anonymous said...

Yes that helps. Just one more question. Do you use a stamp or a sticker to put your info on the back??

Sue said...

Hi Scott,

I just listen to the 2 big questions, you mentioned a video of your setup that we can take a look at. Camera and lighting setup. I cannot find this video anywhere. Can someone help? I really would like to see a setup.


Anonymous said...

What you are doing is WONDERFUL! I just opened my own studio and I am concentrating on Babies, Kids, Families and Seniors (grads). Though i have a lot of experience already it's great to hear other perspectives and the photoshop lessons are great! I am seeing different ways of doing things in photoshop and that's awesome! Keep up the great work! and BIG THANK YOU!
I like the Podcasts as i can be surfing the net for other things and listen to the podcasts. The photoshop tutorials are great too!

Unknown said...

Hi Scott:

I really liked your new video on studio pricing. If you don't have a studio and go to the cliet's home or another location, will the pricing be different?

Thanks so much for your great info!

Anonymous said...

Hi Scott,

Firstly thank you for all the usefull and helpful information. It has been a huge help in starting up my business, especially the information regarding pricing. I have since set up a pricing structure which i am really happy with.

I am using a chroma key backdrop and then using digital props. Do you have a tutorial on poses, and what poses to do when using digital props?

Also i have the same question as many other people on here. What do you do when you have limited space but want to set up a professional looking studio? I have a garage which i could use but feel it doesn't give off that professional look/feeling.

Thank you once again for everything.


chillybear said...

I would like to know as a beginner photographer what equipment do you need to start off with like lighting strobes background and stuff and light meter I know some of this but what is all need to start off good

JACKIE said...

Hi Scott,

Can you do a photoshop lesson on how to get that trendy neutral effect? I am not quite sure how to do it. If you would I greatly appreciate it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Scott,
Can anyone tell me if it's best to shoot my portraits in RAW or just leave that part of it alone?

chillybear said...

Steviec Raw is always best you will get better reselotions over all and if you save it save in Tiff after ansd in raw you can do your editing best.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Chillybear,
another question that's been on my mind for a it best to invest in a lighting kit or will a decent flashgun do the job for now?

chillybear said...

Light kit will not hurt if your doing Portraits go no bigger then 1600 leules and recomend light meter it will help with settings on camera

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