Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Photoshop Lesson 2 - Text & Borders

Photoshop Lesson 2 - Text & Borders

In lesson 2 I'm going to show you how to add text and borders to your pictures.

This will help customize any print and also help you understand how the text tool works. You can create some really neat effects with just a few steps.

Practice using these techniques and tools and you will start to feel comfortable working within Photoshop.

Remember, after you do these steps over and over they will become second nature.

Photoshop Lesson 2 - Text & Borders

On the bottom of each video, you will have the option to download the full size video to your computer. You will need the Quicktime player to view the videos.


Anonymous said...

The video link takes me back to lesson 1.

Anonymous said...

My bad, never mind

Anonymous said...

Brian I can't seem to open the links for the Tutorials