Roy wanted to do this call for his subscriber list of over 4,000 people. He felt that my story would be inspirational to new photographers just getting started. So..I agreed!
I have to say I was a little nervous knowing that this interview will be listened to by 1,000's of people. Who would have known I'd be doing this 10 years ago.
I hope you enjoy the call and see that I am just a regular guy that took a chance. If I can do it anyone can. I mean it!

Click Here to listen to the interview!
Make sure to post your comment or questions below. I appreciate your feedback.
The audio is a little broken up at times due to the service Skype and the miles between us, but I think it came out pretty good.
Scott, that was awesome! Your FAMOUS! Bet you never, ever thought you would be known world wide.
Thanks so much for all the work you and Lisa do.
You're right! I'm worried too much about the technical stuff... should I upgrade my camera, are 2 strobes enough, etc, etc.
I've just got to get out there and DO IT! thanks for the encouragement!
Scott, this was incredible and so inspiring. If it wasn't for signing up with PhotoBiz I never would have heard this interview. Same as Lisaworkman - should I continue to use my Sony Alpha100 SLR camera or get a full-frame Canon 5D Mark II, which has been recommended.
Thanks again.
Wow, I really enjoyed that.
I believe.
I am a New Zealander living in California so to hear the Aussie accent made me kind of giggle.
Thanks! I'm inspired, too! Very good job!
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