Tuesday, January 25, 2011

NewPortraitBiz Photography Business Tip - Dealing With Negative Feedback

I just posted a brand new video on the NewPortraitBiz Blog about dealing with negative feedback from clients. Sometimes this can really hurt you mentally and screw up your focus. That's why I wanted to share these thoughts so you can avoid these or at least know how to deal with them.

Here's the direct link to the video.


Talk to ya later!


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

NewPortraitBiz Podcast Episode 1 for 2011 - Marketing and Lighting Talk

I just posted our first podcast for 2011 on NewPortraitBiz Blog that talks about marketing and lighting challenges that new and old photographers a faced with. Joe Marshall and I go over what we would do to make sure that these challenges don't hold us back.

Here's the direct link to the post.




Friday, January 7, 2011

Portrait Ideas For Valentine's Day Using Digital backgrounds

I just added 5 new portrait ideas for Valentine's Day to our NewPortraitBiz Blog. Sometimes we just need a little inspiration to be creative and get ideas from others. The 5 images I posted were created by using Digital Backgrounds and Props, but could very easily be done using real backgrounds and props.

Here's the link to the post.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Why Your Photography Lighting Is So Important

I received a bunch of emails the other day about studio lighting and wanted to mention a podcast I recently posted on the NewPortrait Biz Blog. It seems that this is one of the biggest struggles when getting started. The podcast goes over a few tips to help avoid some common mistakes.

Here's the link to the Studio Lighting Podcast.

